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Prioritizing Health in a Sedentary Work Environment

Welcome to September! As the kids head back to school and our work schedules return to their regular pace, many of us will find ourselves spending more time at our desks. While this is a natural part of the season, it’s important to be aware of the health risks that come with prolonged periods of sedentary work.


The Hidden Risks of Desk Work


Research has shown a significant association between sedentary work and adverse health outcomes. These can include not just low back pain, but also more serious conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even increased all-cause mortality. For those of us who spend long hours at the computer, muscle fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders are common concerns.


A recent study highlighted the importance of taking breaks from desk work to prevent discomfort. The study recorded the EMG activity of the upper trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles, which showed signs of fatigue after about 40 minutes of continuous desk work. The most effective way to combat this fatigue? Simply standing and stretching for five minutes. This brief break was enough to help these muscles recover.


Incorporate Breaks into Your Routine


While the study didn’t specify which stretches the participants performed, the key takeaway is clear: regular breaks are essential. Here are some simple strategies you can integrate into your workday:


• Stand Up and Stretch: Set a timer to remind you to stand and stretch every 40 minutes. Focus on movements that open up your chest, stretch your shoulders, and relieve tension in your back.

• Move Around: Take a quick walk, even if it’s just around your office or home. This gets your blood flowing and helps reset your posture.

• Mindful Movement: Consider integrating mindful movement, such as gentle yoga or Tai Chi, into your breaks to enhance both physical and mental well-being.


Support Your Health This Fall


As an orthopedic Physical Therapist, I’m here to help you stay healthy and pain-free during this busy season. Whether you’re dealing with discomfort from desk work or want to proactively protect your health, I offer both traditional Physical Therapy and Reiki sessions tailored to your needs.


Let’s work together to ensure that your return to routine doesn’t come at the expense of your health.

Lauren DeYoe


Doctor of Physical Therapy

Reiki Master

Owner Reiki PT

Ding Y, Cao Y, Duffy VG, Zhang X. It is Time to Have Rest: How do Break Types Affect Muscular Activity and Perceived Discomfort During Prolonged Sitting Work. Saf Health Work. 2020 Jun;11(2):207-214

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